Saturday, 21 July 2012


We have done our best, but with all the hindrance we have had to face prior to our departure to Singapore, it seems that our best were not good enough to land us with the best result we have hoped for. Nevertheless, Silver is always better than bronze. Enough said, what done is done, so be it, we’ll do better in future. Alas, we have had a very good time in Singapore, with the professionalism shown by the organizer, every aspect of the festival was smooth and detailed.

Our trip to Singapore was accompanied by a group of a very dedicated, supportive and understanding group of escorting teachers. They’ve helped us to cope with the stress and never in any way and instance adding any bit of pressure into us. For this, we, TheR, wish to thank you from the bottom of our heart. Now we know how One person DO make a different, a very big different indeed. Anyway, the educational trips to historical venue and places of interest in Singapore have without doubt opened our eyes to the beauty of Singapore.

To Sir Eric, we are so sorry Sir, please accept our apologies, we have done our best, and we know you have given out your very best and trust on us, we may have failed you this round but we will strive harder. There’s no mountain high enough to stop us, even when there’s few red tapes around the mountain put up by certain people to slow us down, believe us, they may slowed us down but they can never stop us. TheR will strive harder.

And as usual, in this trip, we were shadowed by a very supportive group of parents, they were always there for us, always, without fail, previously, when we were in Penang, they were there, Bukit Tinggi, Istana Budaya etc., they were there, in every performances and events where TheR were involved, they were there. These dedicated group of supportive parents goes through thick and thin with us and are the one who make all the difference, when they’re around, we felt like our parents are with us, they tended us with whatever we need. So, to all parents who might not be able to be around, rest assured, we have your doppelganger with us, but not your wallet. 

To Abg Nazeem, Abg Ben, Abg Syahrul, Abg Rizal Hafiz and Abg Amin, our deepest apologies and sympathies to all of you, your effort and assistance will never be forgotten. We really hoped the confusion would not dampen your spirit in guiding us in the future, we love you.

And finally, some of us may be resting from TheR to concentrate on PMR whilst some may have had the last show with TheR as a team as they will be having the SPM exam soon, the door to their future. We, the whole family of TheR wishes you guys the best of luck. We will pray for your success and we pray for your strength. May TheR always be your family forever and ever. Viva La Vida TheR!

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